I am having trouble generating my project which has been occurring for 2 weeks now. I have contacted the PARADISe help team through email which have solved my previous problem (cache error message when I hit "Fit Models"). Now, after selecting the intervals, the Fit Models will load overnight, yet the next day, it will show this error. (I have attached the error screenshot picture and the logbook). It seemed that all intervals failed to be processed starting from interval 3 onwards.
For more information:
I have tried creating a new project and this error still persist
I am using the latest PARADISe software (v6.1.7)
I am using Matlab version R2022b
I had run another project last month with the same computer and software, no new adjustments, and the last month's project went successfully until data export
Is this a known issue? What is the cause? How can I overcome this as it prevents me going further with the project and I have been stuck for 2 weeks.
Should I uninstall and install PARADISe and/or Matlab? If I save my project data folder, will the progress so far (data upload, data alignment, interval selection) be saved or do I need to redo everything again?
Thank you!
Dear Nadia,
It is not a know issue. Also, reinstalling PARADISe will not affect the project data folder (by default stored at C:\Users\Documents\PARADISe). You can always make a copy of the project folder before as a backup.
We have seen a similar "Dot indexing..." bug before (https://www.kromath.com/forum/bug-report/problem-with-the-newest-version), here it related to using a custom NISTMS library and the issue was compound names were written using different symbols than in NIST mainlib and replib. So what version of NISTMS are you using and what libraries?
From the logfiles you sent, I can see that PARADISe encounters another error before the one that pops up. Here it states that it ran out of memory (RAM) while fitting some of the models. This is a bit surprising, how many samples do you have and do you have an idea of roughly the number of scans/timepoints in interval 4 or the biggest interval? and how much RAM is available on you computer?
It might be that there is an issue that is specific to interval 4. You can try to right click it (in the Editor tab) and select "Show model". That will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to fit only that interval. Does this give an error?
Best, The Kromath Team, Jesper